AI in healthcare: Real-world applications for cost-savings and innovation

AI and LLMs promise to revamp healthcare economics, delivering cost-effective solutions, patient-centric experiences, & much-needed relief throughout the system

What to know about the security of open-source machine learning models

Greg Ellis, GM of Application Security at, delves into the evolving landscape of machine learning security.

Understanding the impact of open-source language models

Cerebras Systems CEO Andrew Feldman explains the impact of open-source large language models (LLM) on the broader AI community.

What we learned from the deep learning revolution

Neuroscientist Terry Sejnowski discusses the early struggles of deep learning, its explosion into the mainstream, and the lessons learned from decades of research and development.

What to know about the security of open-source machine learning models

Greg Ellis, GM of Application Security at, delves into the evolving landscape of machine learning security.

Fine-tune a Llama-2 language model with a single instruction

Claude-llm-trainer is a Google Colab project that fine-tunes Llama-2-7B with a single description about the downstream task.

Compress GPT-4 and Claude prompts with LLMLingua-2

LLMLingua-2 is a prompt compression technique by Microsoft that can reduce the size of prompts by up to five times.

Review: Elecrow CrowView 14-inch portable monitor

The Elecrow CrowView 14-inch monitor is an ideal tool for laptop owners who are constantly on the move and in need of an extended display.

AI in material science: the modern alchemy

By Valentyn Volkov Image generated by Bing Image Creator Draw a mental...

How to fine-tune LLMs for better RAG performance

Retrieval Augmented Fine Tuning (RAFT) combines supervised fine-tuning with RAG to improve LLM domain knoweldge and ability to use in-context documents.

Fine-tune a Llama-2 language model with a single instruction

Claude-llm-trainer is a Google Colab project that fine-tunes Llama-2-7B with a single description about the downstream task.

What to know about the rising threat of deepfake scams

Don't panic about the recent $25 million deepfake scam. But the threat of AI scams is rising. Here is how to protect yourself.

4 reasons to use open-source LLMs (especially after the OpenAI drama)

Alongside the market for closed-source LLMs like ChatGPT, an impressive array of open-source models has emerged. For enterprises, these language models is becoming increasingly compelling.