GDPR will put a lot of strain on the data-hungry algorithms of artificial intelligence companies. Is this the end of AI innovations?
Waymo_Chrysler_self driving car
For cars to drive by themselves, they need to make sense of the world. That itself is one of the biggest challenges of the driverless car industry.
Augmented reality, VR's younger sibling has moved beyond gaming and entertainment. Let's have a look at the current state of affairs.
At I/O 2019, Google declared its Assistant will perform its AI computation on user's devices instead of sending data to the cloud. Here's why it's a big deal.
cogs automation
Intelligent Automation is a decision to embark on a journey to do things differently, bringing design thinking, task automation, and eventually prescriptive analytics together to fundamentally transform a part of a business’s structure.
laptops teamwork
Users today want content that’s customized to their interests with features that create an enhanced experience. User experience (UX) has never been more critical to engagement, but unlocking the internet will require more than 5G...
microsoft openai gpt-3 license
Microsoft's exclusive license to OpenAI's GPT-3 language model can boost the AI lab's search for a viable business model. It can also break it.
GPT-3 applications products startups
OpenAI gives easy access to GPT-3. But building a successful product is more than just putting a nice user interface on the massive AI language model.
Reinforcement learning artificial intelligence
In a new paper, scientists at DeepMind suggest that reward maximization and reinforcement learning are enough to develop artificial general intelligence.
DeepMind earnings report
DeepMind has finally become profitable. But it is also becoming inextricably tied to its parent company Google.