Most effective ways to make your blog popular

By Vincent Hill

Owning a popular blog is every blogger’s dream, but like everything else, you’re going to have to sweat it to get what you want. If you’re new in the game, making your blog popular is not easy and doesn’t happen overnight. However, if you are willing and determined to work hard to learn and adapt, then success may just be right around the corner for you.

A successful blog gets the word out there and is actually being seen by people. So, create content that matters. In other words, write articles that people will consume and share. Once you’ve done that, you need to contribute what you have with the world effectively. To help you, here are seven killer ways that can help give your blog the attention it deserves:

Write tutorials and pillar articles.

One key item to remember to help you make your blog popular is to write tutorials and pillar articles as opposed to writing articles meant only for today. How-to articles and tutorials that help solve problems won’t get old and are more likely to stay forever because the same methods will apply even as time passes. Readers can use the tutorials any time they want and even share the post through various social networks, helping you get your work out there. Don’t be surprised when your post goes trending because that only means your article is effective and solves a community problem.

Make sure your content is SEO-friendly.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an essential aspect to consider when it comes to marketing your blog online. The first step is to identify keywords and phrases that you predict people who come across your blog postings will use in searches. Think of an ideal manner to incorporate those words and phrases into the title and body of your posts. It’s recommended that you keep the title of your postings to a maximum of 120 characters so that it can be easily tweeted by readers.

Leverage social media.

Use social media websites to your advantage and start promoting your blog posts on these platforms regularly. Make it easy for your readers to share your content because the easier it is for them to share your content, the more likely they are to do so. You may incorporate “Share on Facebook” or “Tweet this” buttons in your blog entries. Including these buttons in your articles is a one-time investment, but the results will pay off indefinitely.

Add your blog to blog communities.

Blog communities are a popular, fun, and beneficial way for your blog to get noticed, gain information, and be a part of a network. You can choose from a variety of communities that you can submit your blog too, but stick to the popular ones and those which have a decent Google page rank. Be sure to remember that when you follow a blog that you find interesting, contribute something nice to it by slipping in a positive and encouraging comment. This increases your visibility in the community. A number of people could check out your profile and possibly subscribe to you. The key point is to be involved.

Make your blog visually interesting.

Visual appeal is a must-have for every successful blog. Highly visual content is always rewarded in top social media websites through shares and views, so it’s important to use good quality photos, videos, infographics, and other visual material to your advantage. It isn’t necessary for you to assemble an expert design team for this matter. You can come up with satisfying results by hiring a freelance designer or a local graphic artist. You can even do it yourself by using SlideShare or PowerPoint to get your blog’s message across visually.

Be a guest author on popular blogs.

Many blogs are open to guest posts these days, giving fresh and new bloggers a chance to get noticed. Don’t turn down an opportunity to write on a popular blog because that could just give you the publicity your blog needs. However, make sure you don’t post whatever you want. Instead, write an article that is related to the site’s niche while proving your worth as a blogger. Guest posting is definitely an effective way to get noticed and drive traffic to your website. As long as you do it right, expect to get more link juice and possibly a horde of new subscribers in no time.

Request for link love.

Trading links with other bloggers in the same niche is another way that can help get your blog out there. You can approach a fellow author or blogger through a variety of ways. Simply discuss the request through sending them an email, commenting on their blog posts, or adding them on Facebook and sending them a private message. Overall, the most effective way to get link love is through guest blogging because this will give you both the traffic and quality backlinks your blog needs.

Now that you know how to make your blog popular, it’s time to start blogging and then applying these methods. Then, sit back, relax, and wait for a wave of subscribers to come knocking on your door at any given moment.

Vincent Hill is an expert writer who writes on different categories like how to start a blog, content writing, blog design and much more. His writing is not only descriptive but also meaningful. He loves to share his ideas on different categories.


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