network switch cables
Society is in a data-intensive era of computing. Companies depend on big data platforms to reach conclusions in minutes that would take days without the help of technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) has also come into...
hidden back door
A technique developed by scientists at IBM Research and Northeastern University helps create deep learning models that are robust against adversarial backdoors.
game of life neural networks
The Game of Life is based on very simple rules, but artificial neural networks struggle to learn its rules through the classic deep learning training process.
AI incident database
The AI Incident Database is a comprehensive collection of incidents in which AI systems have caused harm in the real world.
Intel AI-based photorealistic enhancement
Intel's AI-based photorealistic enhancement technology is a clever use of machine learning. But the hardware, companies, and market for real-time photorealistic games are not ready.
Nvidia robot simulation platform
New research by Nvidia and University of Toronto promises to make robotics research available to resource-constrained organizations.
Thinking Fast and Slow Artificial Intelligence
Scientists propose an AI system that is inspired by Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast And Slow," combining System 1 and System 2 problem solvers.
large language model logical reasoning
According to a research paper by scientists at UCLA, transformers, the deep learning architectures used in LLMs, don’t learn to emulate reasoning functions.
ai market downturn
While the stagnation in AI funding will slow down the field, it is also forcing investors to focus more on AI initiatives that are more likely to reach a sustainable business model.
google search openai chatgpt
ChatGPT is a remarkable LLM, with potential applications for online search. But it might be a bit of a stretch to say that it will dethrone Google.