Image source: 123RF Our global food system depends on large-scale agriculture to feed the world’s immense and growing population. However, the environmental costs of industrial farming are immense. Indeed,...
Automation robot
Mind the limitations and capabilities of AI from the very beginning, and beware of prototyping an “AI-based” product with a human behind a curtain. Otherwise, there might be no place for AI in such a product in the end.
pile of 3d objects
SyncDreamer, a new diffusion model, uses generative AI to create consistent multi-view images of an object, making it easy to create 3D objects.
evil llama
A new study by Anthropic shows that LLMs can have hidden backdoors that can't be removed with safety training.
Hi everyone. I just set up my blog and I'm happy to be part of the Wordpress community. If you're into tech, business, and politics; if you're looking for advice on computer programming; and if...
There was every reason to believe Spotify would fail or would be crushed by one of the tech or music giants. But the company thrived against all odds.
Technology can do wonders for society, but are we allowing it to go too far? Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing but beware the perils.
Deep learning is good at finding patterns in text and speech, but AI's understanding of the human language is shallow even if it sounds and looks convincing.
After the bitcoin bubble burst, what will happen to blockchain, the technology that supports cryptocurrencies?
Survival of the Best Fit is an online game that teaches you the basics of algorithmic bias and how machine learning algorithms can make problematic decisions.