Animal tests are an integral part of modern-day drug and chemical compounds development and approval procedures. But Artificial Intelligence may soon replace a lot of it!
Supply chains are fundamental to the industry but their current inefficiencies make them ripe for disruption. Here's is one of the areas that blockchain technology can help.
Can blockchain's transparent and distributed nature solve the opacity, unfairness and hostility that haunts the digital ads industry?
Scientists are very much interested in teaching AI to play games like chess, Go, poker and video games. Here's why it matters.
The smart toys that parents give their children these days keep them busy. But what’s the cost of having less-fussy kids with help from tech?
Technology can’t hold prejudice beliefs against anyone, however there are many cases where technologies are discriminatory. Could it be that the people making these technologies hold biased beliefs themselves?
Augmented and virtual reality headsets still face many challenges. Eye tracking technology will be key to overcoming the hurdles of AR and VR gear.
Smart speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are becoming an inherent part of our lives. Does their convenience come with a security and privacy tradeoff?
The honeypot is one of the most tried-and-true tactics in both law enforcement and espionage. It also has a long history in cybersecurity. Say hello to HoneyBot.
GDPR will put a lot of strain on the data-hungry algorithms of artificial intelligence companies. Is this the end of AI innovations?