By Jake Madders The recent widespread Facebook outage has highlighted the rapidly growing reliance on a select few, centralized technology companies, exposing the fragility of...
The business models that supported the distribution and sale of music in a disconnected world no longer sustain the fluid landscape of file sharing services like DropBox, Google Drive and MediaFire. That’s why since the...
Nvidia's RTX technology is there allowing us to go for real-time ray tracing. What has been the realm of CG studios will soon become retail. What are the consequences and where are we headed?
FCC decision to gut net neutrality rules is endangering the cryptocurrency market. Here's how the community is fighting back.
biometric fingerprint scan
By Gil Artmoore Image credit: Depositphotos According to Forbes, business leaders from a variety of industries have joined forces to face one unexpected enemy. That enemy?...
end user
Employees, not the employers, are now running the show. The age of end-user first SaaS is here, it’s either adapt or die.
openai dall-e 2
The fast-paced evolution of DALL-E as a commercial product is a sign of the expansion of the market for generative AI models and the maturity of Microsoft’s long-term partnership with OpenAI.
LO-shot learning
A new AI research paper shows machine learning algorithms can use "less-than-one-shot" learning to classify data with fewer training examples than labels.
biased data
By Micaela Kaplan Creating an ethical business and customer experience (CX) begins with understanding the interactions that impact the business every day. To do so,...