IoT can be crucial in making smart cities the green cities of tomorrow.
reinforcement learning robot chess
By Aleksandras Šulženko Image credit: 123RF (with modifications) Imagine you are about to sit down to play a game with a friend. But this isn’t just...
llm mathematics
Large language models like ChatGPT are inconsistent at math. Here's why it matters.
2017 didn't see robots conquer the world, but it was a big year for AI nonetheless.
While much of what you read and hear about Artificial Intelligence will turn out to be hype (that’s the case with practically every new, disruptive technology), there’s no denying that AI and machine learning will...
Human mind vs artificial intelligence
While scientists have pitted neural networks and symbolic AI against each other for decades, Researchers at IBM and MIT have proven that combining them creates something that is stronger than the sum of its parts.
text grammar error checker
Grammarly has found a niche suitable for the narrow capabilities of deep learning, and grown itself from a small app into the leading AI-based grammar checker.
internet of things city
By Erik Fossum Færevaag For over a decade we have witnessed a proliferation of internet-connected devices. Nowadays, the number of internet-connected devices is estimated to...
ai blackbox
As AI increasingly conquers every aspect of our lives, how should we approach the black box of its decision making process.
AI in fighter cockpit
It is time to shift the conversation towards what really matters— acceptable use and protection of artificial intelligence systems.